Below are a few of the headlines I have written for ClickHole over the years:
Intelligence Setback: The CIA Is In Crisis Mode After ISIS Made Its Instagram Private
Feminism Disaster: This Gorilla At The Zoo Clearly Has Like, Six Wives
Mind-Blowing: This Incredible Fan Theory Suggests That Mr. Bean Is A Weird And Goofy Dude
Inclusivity Win! The Word Problem At The End Of This Math Worksheet Has A Guy Named Alejandro In It
Obvious Nepotism: This 5-Year-Old Boy Was Just Appointed Grocery Shopping Helper By His Own Parents
Not Their Best Work: Boston Dynamics Has Engineered A Microwave That Can Get Tired
Her Magnum Opus: Mom Just Put A 27-Photo Album On Facebook Of Just Last Night’s Dinner
*Please note that I may not have written the article associated with a given headline; at ClickHole we sometimes write articles for other writers’ jokes.